26 September 2023

Top athletes jump to new AIS committee

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The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has announced its inaugural Athlete Advisory Committee (AAC), bringing together some of the nation’s top sports stars to be part of the decision-making process in the future direction of high-performance sport.

AIS Chief Executive, Peter Conde said 10 current Australian athletes, including world champion surfer, Sally Fitzgibbons, Paralympians, Danni Di Toro and Mitchell Gourley and national water polo captain, Rowie Webster, would form the inaugural AAC.

“It will be Chaired by Olympian, Commonwealth Games gold medallist and Australian Sports Commission board member, Steve Moneghetti ( pictured) and will be tasked with ensuring athletes have a voice in shaping the future of high-performance sport in Australia,” Mr Conde said.

“It is critical for athletes to be involved across all stages on matters that directly relate to them.”

He said the AIS had identified that while most individual sports had athlete committee chairs, “there was not a dedicated representation of athlete leaders that we could turn to for advice and recommendations”.

“Members of the committee will be able to use their own experience and insights as high-performance athletes and provide direct recommendations to the AIS for current, ongoing and future strategies,” Mr Conde said.

“Current issues the group could be called on to provide input include identifying and developing solutions relating to pathways, and a review of athlete-related policies including athlete categorisation and direct support and education material.”

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