26 September 2023

Toddlers to tackle education trail

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Hundreds of Victorian toddlers are to take part in a new trial to help bridge the school-readiness gap for kids experiencing family stress or social disadvantage.

Announced by the national Minister for Early Childhood Education, Anne Aly the new intensive early childhood education and care trial model, funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments, is to deliver wrap-around support for vulnerable children and their families.

“Up to 200 children, under the age of three, will benefit from a new intensive early childhood education and care trial model – being rolled out across four locations – with the first site in Richmond, Victoria,” Dr Aly said.

“High quality early childhood education and care is critical in supporting a child’s development and future success, however children experiencing family stress or social disadvantage can often be left behind,” she said.

“The intensive early childhood education and care model will support children to overcome disadvantage and trauma by offering a rigorously developed curriculum, infant mental health and wrap-around support for vulnerable children and their families.”

Dr Aly said the initiative built on a research project undertaken by the University of Melbourne which found that children who participated in intensive early childhood education experienced extraordinary improvements in cognitive skills, resilience and socio-emotional development.

She said the trial model was designed to lift school readiness and broader education and health outcomes for participants, all while helping to build the evidence base for best practice early learning programs in Australia.

“The trial will run for three years and includes transitional supports for children following their participation in the model,” the Minister said.

“The Parkville Institute has been established to generate robust research that will advance evidence informed policy and practice in the early childhood education and care sector and grow the capacity and capability of the workforce.”

Dr Aly said the three remaining trial sites were set to launch over the next year.

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