Having listened to the whole gamut of health professionals, stakeholders, doctors and anecdotal evidence from those using the systems for health care, it’s no wonder the medicos are wringing their hands when trying to find the best system to help all Australians with all manner of health needs.
Aged Care is being investigated with a Royal Commission, mental health care is emerging as a seemingly insurmountable problem and the vagaries of private health care create angst across all sectors.
Anecdotal stories from the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt present some feelgood solutions with increasing government support for the newest and best of treatments, but it would seem the basics get caught up in the miasma of what the government thinks should be financed.
There will be a pilot for eight adult metal health centres, flagged in the April budget, but the ‘how to’ reduce suicide rates, deal with growing anxiety and depression and basic mental health care emerge in recent public instances of those with mental health issues committing crimes that shock and give despair to so many, leaves us questioning many aspects of the systems.
We need to do better.
We need to know the systems are the best we can offer and we need to be assured that both Federal and State Governments have the funding to provide services.
If you’ve broken your leg, you know what to do.
If your head is, where the problem is where do you start?