25 September 2023

The worldly world of words

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With our ‘acronymatic’ language style for all things with impressive titles that proves a pain in the proverbial for Mr and Mrs Everybody trying to understand why their utilities costs are soaring and government seems to be prevaricating then the NEG ( National Energy Guarantee) is likely to be another word that means no guarantee at all.

When will they get it sorted?

Minister Frydenberg’s address to the National Press Club in Canberra had this punter yet again shaking her head at the same old gibberish, with a ‘we know best’ from the Government, but now the States have to sign up because we don’t have an alternative.

At the other end of the capital town where all things theatrical can bring one right back to reality, Bell Shakespeare opened their production of Antony and Cleopatra.

A formidable play that explores leadership – as well as a magnificent love story – that questions bureaucratic as opposed to charismatic styles of leadership.

Send in the pollies and the bureaucrats …… Shakespeare has a few lessons for them all.

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