Reviewed by Rama Gaind.
By Chris Helder, Wiley, $19.95.
We live in a world where we are constantly being submerged with information. Distinguished keynote speaker, Helder says, “no matter how much it annoys, we are addicted to it. Everyday brings a complete overhaul of information that’s impossible to keep up with. We all experience it, respond to it, even relish it”.
One of the challenges we face is the constant comparison and the relentless messages on the need to be somehow better, fitter, stronger, smarter, more attractive. We need to disentangle ourselves from such thinking. We need to simplify. The Simple Shift shows how to shift your mindset to useful thinking.
It’s a simple, but incredibly powerful idea designed to shift your perspective and provide you with essential tools to navigate the challenges of the modern world. Useful belief is a simple shift that gets results. It changes how you deal with adversity and challenge every day. Subtitled ’How Useful Thinking Changes The Way You See Everything’, the book provides a clear and practical guide to retrain your brain to see opportunities rather than obstacles, helping you to thrive in life, love and work.
“The purpose of this book is to cut through that complexity, all that noise, and to introduce you to a simple, practical philosophy that encourages you to live your life with a great focus on what is useful.”
Helder draws on decades of experience to develop the self-awareness to know when and how your thoughts are holding you back. Instead of just trying to ignore negative thoughts or pretend that problems don’t exist, he shows how to actually change those ideas using useful thinking.
This leading authority on improving mental health within organisations has the tools to make the simple shift in thinking to gain greater clarity on achieving goals. At the core is the need to reframe challenges as opportunities, not obstacles.
“This is my manifesto. My philosophy for navigating the craziness and the wonder of the modern world. It’s a simple, powerful idea that opens up limitless possibility for all of us.”