25 September 2023

The science of journalism

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You don’t need a science degree of any kind to understand the pioneering aspects of science to better our lives and enjoy survival to a ripe old age …. you just need the amazing Professor Elizabeth Finkel.

She is a story teller and the kind of story teller to help us understand the complexities of so many of the scientific breakthroughs and how they evolved and what they connect with.

Elizabeth Finkel is a biochemist but switched to journalism to tell the stories she wants to tell as the co-founder and editor-in-chief of COSMOS.

But her address to the National Press Club in Canberra was as the recipient of the 2019 ASMR (Australian Society for Medical Research) Medal, the first journalist to be awarded this prestigious honour.

And the subject is definitely one that will be debated for some time: Gene therapy: cure but at what cost?

We all want a cure, basics would be good for starters like flu, arthritis, dementia and other scourges of our ageing bodies but the dilemma comes when horrendously expensive cures are available and we expect government to make them available.

There’ll be an algorithm soon for solving that dilemma.

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