Bruce Kasanoff* explores the possibility that the way we think and act can generate positive – or negative – energy not only affecting us, but influencing those around us.
“We propose that matter is not made of particles or waves, as was long thought, but — more fundamentally — that matter is made of fragments of energy.”
So writes Larry M. Silverberg in a recent article.
“Our theory begins with a new fundamental idea — that energy always ‘flows’ through regions of space and time,” Professor Silverberg continues.
“Think of energy as made up of lines that fill up a region of space and time, flowing into and out of that region, never beginning, never ending and never crossing one another.”
I mention this not so you and I can play amateur physicists, but because it supports my intuitive sense that what matters most is not the physical world we see around us.
Rather it is the energetic forces that both surround us and make us who we are.
I once read a book about healing your own back in which the author pointed out that two people can have very similar degenerative problems with their back, yet one is debilitated and the other experiences no symptoms whatsoever.
We routinely see upbeat people who are carrying huge responsibilities and challenges, while others seem overwhelmed by the slightest burdens.
The difference, I’d like to suggest, is the energy that surrounds each person, which in large measure is a function of many micro-decisions and beliefs.
Beliefs that lead to less can be listed as follows:
The world is unfair; I have bad luck; no one likes me.
Beliefs that lead to more energy:
I control my own fate; I wake up each day feeling grateful and happy; things just seem to go my way.
Energy flows through each of us, and to a certain degree we have the ability to influence the nature of this energy.
In fact, through our emotions and actions, we have the ability to spread the energy we feel to others.
In recent years, negative and divisive energy has spread around the globe.
Energy is everything. It’s not what you own; it’s how you act. It is a choice, and the choice is yours.
*Bruce Kasanoff is an executive coach and social media ghostwriter for entrepreneurs. He can be contacted at
This article first appeared at