One could hardly call PS-sssst! a member of the ‘A’ team this week, guilty of not one, but two reputation-denting spelling lapses last week involving the leading letter of the English alphabet column – A.
Firstly, an A-pology to PS-sssst! correspondent Christiaan O from Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services whose christian name ‘Christiaan’ appeared as ‘Christian’ in our typographically unChristian report. Please accept our acknowledgement of inaccuracy, Christiaan. We’re so sorry!
Secondly, top marks to the readers who noted our typographical transgression when reporting on the national pay gender gap, spelling ‘revealed’ as ‘reveled’ – A-nother A-berration for which we A-ppeal for A-cquittance on the grounds of our A-pathy.
A special mention of Wen L of the national Department of Agriculture and Veronica B of the Department of the Environment and Energy for being the first to A-lert us to the A-ccidental A-taxia our carelessness led to.
Fabulous PS-sssst! Packs of a book, LED pen and T-shirt to Wen and Veronica for their A-ssistance in our E-mbarrassment.
Horsing about
Lots of good news about the public sector’s Kiwian colleagues in PS News’s shiny new New Zealand edition with a report this week that extra resources are to be made available for the Departments dealing with homelessness.
“The Government has announced additional measures to prevent and reduce homelessness focused on ensuring at-risk individuals,” the official announcement announced.
It then declared people should have “access to stable housing”.
There must be something in the translation! Either that or the Kiwis have discovered an equine solution to their homelessness issues.
Not-so-free speech
Good luck to the Australian Human Rights Commission as it approaches the centerpiece of its year-long ‘Conversation on Human Rights’ in October.
Billed as “Free and Equal: An Australian Conversation on Human Rights”, the one-day event in Sydney will be a ‘once in a decade event’ bringing together experts and community leaders to explore ways of advancing human rights into the 21st Century.
For one keen attendant however, all isn’t as ‘Free and Equal’ as it looks.
“I am left speechless” the unnamed correspondence commented.
“If I purchase an early bird ticket (10% discount), I pay $594.”
“Perhaps AHRC can approach the Australian Christian Lobby, which has shown such a commitment to Human Rights that it is hosting a funding page for Israel Folau.
“Surely they can re-distribute some of the $2 million collected to sponsor a few tickets.”
Looks like the conversation has started!
Fakir news?
To Rama’s remarkably remarkable giveaway now, in which lucky readers have the chance to win DVD versions of the delightful movie comedy The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir starring Dhanush and Erin Moriarty.
To join Rama’s long list of winners, all we needed to do was email her with the name of the title character in the film which was ‘Ajatashatru Lavash Patel, aka Aja’.
And the first three correct entries to emerge from the PS News Barrel of Booty belonged to Scott W from the Australian Taxation Office, Ann N from the NSW State Archives and Records Authority and Andrew G from the Federal Court of Australia.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone for taking part. Your new DVDs will be on their way shortly.
For another chance to join Rama’s Army of winners, simply follow this link to this week’s competition and give it a go.
Good luck to everyone who does.
Click go the cheers

Credit: Ljupco
And finally, a bow of thanks and congratulations to PS News subscribers in the national Australian Public Service (APS) who broke all records downloading our recent editions that reported on the Prime Minister’s plans for the APS.
The counters-that-be tell us the edition recorded an impressive 71.3% ‘click through’ rate, a return way above the weekly average and one of which we can all be proud.
For the record, Google says the click-through rate for most emails is 3.57%.
Something to say?
Till next week….