27 September 2023

Tax Inspector invites program feedback

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The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) is inviting feedback on a Register of potential review topics as identified by stakeholders, its own complaints service and other sources.

Inspector-General, Karen Payne said the review work was aimed at improving the administration of the taxation system and ensure tax administration aligned with community expectations.

“The IGTO welcomes comments, feedback and suggestions from interested parties, including tax professionals and members of the public, on these and other potential topics for IGTO review investigation,” Ms Payne said.

She said the Register was current as of April and would be updated periodically as required.

Additions to the Register would be notified via updates in the IGTO newsletter.

Ms Payne said completed reviews on the Register to April had been broken down into topics including: Tax being paid and collected correctly; Identifying main systemic issues; The fair and consistent treatment of taxpayers; Certainty and consistency in taxation outcomes; Respectful, professionally and collaborative reviews; and Simplicity and minimal compliance costs.

Ms Payne said the IGTO conducted investigations of tax administration systems and laws with the objective of improving the administration of the tax system for the benefit of all taxpayers, tax practitioners and other entities.

She said areas for review were selected based on available resources, other priorities (including complaint investigation priorities), feedback from the community and opportunities to improve the tax administration system.

The Inspector-General’s 30-page Register of Potential Reviews can be accessed at this PS News link.

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