Joel Garfinkle* says managers should no longer need convincing of the power women leaders can bring to an organisation.

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Is your organisation doing everything it can to ensure more women are promoted to positions of leadership?
Probably not, but why?
Perhaps you’re in a position where you have more candidates than positions, but in today’s competitive market, that seems doubtful.
More likely, no one has put in the commitment it takes to identify, train and elevate women into key roles.
You can excel, both individually and as an organisation, by leveraging those hidden leaders already working for you.
It’s much more than just “the right thing to do,” but if you or someone in your senior leadership need convincing of the power women leaders bring, read on for just some of the reasons why you need to start valuing your untapped talent right now.
Incorporate diverse thinking and unique insights
Every leadership book on the market will advise you to surround yourself with a team of people who both think like you and think differently.
Diverse thinking is a cornerstone of great management because it helps us gather new ideas, find our blind spots and problem-solve most efficiently.
Why, then, would we undervalue women leaders, who bring great insights and creative thinking to the table?
If you truly want a dynamic, innovative team, don’t underestimate what your untapped female talent can do for you and the organisation.
The best discussions will be had when there are a variety of perspectives in the room.
Create improved productivity and enhanced results
Do your employees feel valued?
All of them?
If not, why not?
We all work our best when we feel we are a part of something important, and that our effort matters.
Unfortunately, not all organisations make notice of women and their endeavours, especially if they tend to achieve results in quieter or less boisterous ways.
Imagine if, no matter who you were or what your work style, you felt that your employer noticed and valued your work?
The effect on quality and productivity across the whole organisation would be undeniable.
If you saw faces like yours among the ranks of senior leadership.
If people “like you” were notably valued, you might be more motivated to do truly great work.
Encourage recruitment of more brilliant talent
Imagine what will happen when you gain a reputation for offering leadership training and advancement to capable women.
Once word gets out that opportunities abound, the best and the brightest will seek you out whenever positions are posted.
Recruiting becomes significantly easier if the untapped, overlooked hidden talent of other organisations realise they can come do great work with you and be valued for it.
When enterprising, motivated and brilliant women see themselves represented amongst the ranks of your leadership, they’ll know they’ve found a place where they too can achieve great things.
Now that you’re armed with a host of reasons why discovering the untapped talent of women already working in your organisation, start making a plan on how you are going to identify, coach and elevate the women already doing great work.
You’ll gain a great reputation for diverse thinking and not only improve your existing talent pool but also attract the best and brightest.
* Joel Garfinkle provides corporate training and presentations.
This article first appeared at