25 September 2023

Study finds military families pass muster

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A joint study by the Departments of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has found that most Australian military families are resilient, healthy and financially secure.

Announcing the Family Wellbeing Study, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Darren Chester said it explored the effect of military service on the families of serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members.

“The study provides a very positive picture of the health and wellbeing of military families in terms of mental and physical health, employment and financial security — and shows that most ex-serving families are coping well with transition,” Mr Chester said.

“But, as would be expected with the nature of life in the ADF, the study found that some families had experienced considerably more residential and school relocations than the general Australian population.”

He said the Australian Institute of Family Studies led the research on the Study which was one of eight reports and two papers comprising the Transition and Wellbeing Research Program.

He said its release followed that of the Physical Health Status report which confirmed that while the physical health of most veterans was good, some needed support during transition.

Mr Chester said transitioned ADF members were more likely to report poorer physical health and to have increased lifestyle risk factors and report poorer self-perceived health, satisfaction and quality of life than those serving full-time.

“The Government has made significant investments to improve the provision of, and access to, health care services including General Practitioner care, community care, specialist care and hospital care for those who need it,” he said.

The Transition and Wellbeing Research Program is jointly funded by Defence and DVA and is the most comprehensive study undertaken in Australia on the impact of military service on the mental, physical and social health of transitioned and current serving ADF members and their families.

The 384-page report on the Family Wellbeing Study can be accessed at this PS News link.

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