Students from vulnerable Canberra families are to be supported to engage in their education through an expansion of the Education Directorate’s Future of Education Equity Fund.
Opening fund applications, the Directorate said the Fund could provide financial support to eligible families to help students access everyday essentials at school.
“We are committed to helping all children and young people participate in programs and activities that support their educational and wellbeing needs,” the Directorate said.
“The Future of Education Equity Fund provides a one-off, annual payment to low-income families to help cover the costs of education expenses such as school uniforms, school excursions, sport equipment and activities and music lessons.”
It said applications for the current school year were open until 30 September.
Announcing the Fund’s expansion, Minister for Education, Yvette Berry said the Fund replaced the Secondary Bursary Scheme for Years 7-10, and was open to all Canberra students in years P-12 who were from financially disadvantaged ACT families.
Ms Berry said the Fund provided $400 for pre-schoolers, $500 for primary school students, and $750 for high school and college students.
Welcoming the expansion, Executive Officer of the ACT Parents & Citizens, Veronica Elliott said the last few years had been tough on families and the scheme would provide assistance where it was most needed.
“For those families who need it, it will be a welcome relief,” Ms Elliott said.
“It will help with uniforms, technology, and all the things children need to learn and participate in school life.”
Further information on the Directorate’s Future of Education Equity Fund can be accessed at this PS News link.