25 September 2023

Students’ competition has tax appeal

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The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced the winners of its 2018 Tax, Super and You competition.

The competition required school students from Years 7-to-12 to pitch creative campaigns encouraging their friends to learn about the importance of paying tax and building superannuation.

Assistant Taxation Commissioner, Sally Bektas, one of the judges for the competition, said the judging panel had a tough time selecting the final prize winners.

“The entries we received in the competition this year were incredibly creative, innovative and set a high standard,” Ms Bektas said.

“Congratulations to those who won cash prizes and thank you to all the students who entered the competition and the teachers and schools that supported them.”

She said it was great to see students putting thought into the tax and super systems and promised the competition would be run again next year.

The People’s Choice Award drew almost 2,500 votes. A single animation entry, titled Tax & You, took out first prize and the People’s Choice Award in the junior secondary category.

The Students Guide to Tax won the People’s Choice Award in the senior secondary category as well as second place overall.

All the winning entries can be accessed at this PS News link.

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