26 September 2023

Space agency consultation takes off

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The Australian Space Agency is seeking input into the design of its $150 million Moon to Mars plan.

Head of the Agency, Megan Clark said the Moon to Mars initiative would fast-track the growth of Australia’s space industry.

“Australia has a range of capabilities that can support international space activities,” Dr Clark said.

“The investment will provide a path for Australian businesses to secure a bigger share of the global space market and show the world we are ready for investment.”

She said the five-year plan would also have benefits for other areas of the Australian economy.

“For example, new space technologies like advanced communications will have the ability to improve communications here on Earth, and new robotic and automation techniques can be used in areas beyond the space sector,” Dr Clark said.

She said the initiative would also create jobs and inspire the next generation.

“We are committed to accelerating the growth of Australia’s space sector, supporting our target to triple the size of the space economy to $12 billion and creating another 20,000 jobs by 2030,” Dr Clark said.

She said the Agency was seeking consideration of the proposed objectives, delivery framework and potential areas of investment which would develop Australia’s industry and inspire the public.

To make a contribution to the Moon to Mars initiative visit the Agency website at this PS News link.

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