Bruce Kasanoff* makes the case for periods of calm reflection in the midst of turmoil that can often point the way to where you are going wrong.
If you step back and stop thinking, then you actually come up with better ideas.
I say this as someone who has written thousands of articles and many books, so please give me a minute before you scoff at this idea.
Slow down to go faster.
It is so easy to get into a pattern in which you make small, incremental improvements.
It may be continuous improvement, but tiny improvements.
Sometimes when you step back, you realise there is a much better way to focus your attention; improve your project; nurture your family; cultivate good health, and lead your life.
One of my favourite sayings is: “Your environment always wins.”
Sometimes when you step back, you realise you are spending time in the wrong places, hanging out with the wrong people, eating the wrong foods, living the wrong schedule, and pursuing the wrong goals.
What is it that gives you energy? What is it that brings out your very best?
I’d like to suggest it is nearly impossible to answer those questions accurately without stepping back.
Of course, most people dislike stepping backwards.
Maybe you are one of them?
Perhaps you mistake movement for progress.
If this is the case, let me remind you about the circle.
You can keep going forever and simply move in a circle.
In fact, moving in this manner can have a hypnotic effect; you get lulled into a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
In reality, you are simply spinning in one place.
To make actual progress, you have to step back on a regular basis.
You have to pause long enough and sincerely enough to gain objectivity.
You have to literally make room in your head for new ideas, contrary ideas, and alternative possibilities.
When I do this, I don’t necessarily accept or pursue every new thought that pops into my head, but I do give them room to make their case.
Be still and know.
*Bruce Kasanoff is the founder of The Journey, a newsletter for positive, uplifting and accomplished professionals. He can be contacted at
This article first appeared at