SafeWork NSW has updated 23 Codes of Practice and issued a notice to businesses and employers that they need to update their copies of the Codes to stay up to date with the latest information.
Director, Organisational Capability at SafeWork, Jodie Deakes said codes of practice provide detailed information that can assist businesses and employers apply best practice in their workplace.
“The codes are there to help you understand what you need to do to comply with the legislation,” Ms Deakes said.
“You can use them to translate how the legislation applies at a practical level.”
She said the codes were revised by Safe Work Australia and came into effect in NSW on 30 August, aligning with the model codes of practice developed under the harmonised work health and safety legislation.
Ms Deakes said it was important for businesses to understand that the codes do not replace current Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws, but were issued to make understanding the legislation easier.
She said an inspector may refer to a code of practice when issuing an improvement or prohibition notice and that the Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk or control, and rely on it to determine what is ‘reasonably practicable’.
“As well as codes of practice, Safe Work Australia has guidance material that can also help you achieve the standards under WHS laws,” Ms Deakes said.
The up-to-date Codes of Practice can be accessed on the SafeWork NSW website at this PS News link.