Safe Work Australia has declared August Tradies Health Month and is reminding employers to protect their greatest assets — their workers.
Chief Executive of Safe Work Australia, Michelle Baxter said that worksites for tradies were hazardous by nature and employers had a duty to ensure their team was working safely.
“According to the latest work health and safety statistics, tradies make up almost one-third of Australia’s workforce, but they represent over half of the country’s serious workers’ compensation claims,” Ms Baxter said.
“The most common serious claims for workers’ compensation are attributed to muscular stress while lifting, carrying or putting down objects.”
She said the injuries tradies often experienced included traumatic joint and/or ligament and muscle and/or tendon injuries.
Ms Baxter said most distressingly, almost 50 tradies a year died from vehicle incidents.
“Throughout August, Safe Work Australia will share resources on tradies’ health and safety by publishing a collection of data, videos, resources and information on our website,” she said.
“Serious injuries and fatalities will end up costing you more if you take shortcuts.”
Ms Baxter said deadlines are serious, but injuries and fatalities are worse.
She said the term “tradies” covered technicians and trades workers, labourers, and machinery drivers and operators.
Safe Work Australia’s website can be accessed at this PS News link.