26 September 2023

Safe Work snapshot for worker’s comp

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Safe Work Australia has published a snapshot of workers’ compensation scheme developments, summarising significant changes in administration and scheme delivery.

Safe Work said the report was the first edition of its biennial Summary of Workers’ Compensation Scheme Developments in Australia and New Zealand – September 2018 to September 2020.

The Agency said the report included legislative developments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of presumptive legislation and provisional liability for first responders and firefighters.

“A more comprehensive comparison of workers’ compensation scheme arrangements and the differences between schemes in Australia and New Zealand will be published in alternate years,” Safe Work said.

“The report will be useful to regulators, employers, lawyers, academics, trainers and policy developers as a reference tool,” it said.

“[It provides] a succinct overview of recent developments in workers’ compensation and for teaching about workers.”

Safe Work said that during the reporting period, September 2018 – September 2020, Comcare partnered with three Australian Public Service Agencies to trial a structured early intervention service to reduce the impact of injury or illness on employees.

“The pilot provided early and appropriate clinical and self-management support to employees to mitigate the development of a chronic and/or secondary condition,” it said.

“An independent evaluation of this project demonstrated strong results including improved recovery and return to work outcomes for workers.”

The Agency said Comcare is in the process of translating the evidence into practice through the development of better practice guidance and communications.

Safe Work Australia’s 29-page report can be accessed at this PS News link.

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