26 September 2023

Riverside campsites a bank of more choices

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The first of hundreds of new riverside camping spots have opened following the completion of public land value assessments by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).

Announced by the Minister for Fishing and Boating, Melissa Horne, the six new sites sit along the Goulburn River.

“The new sites can be accessed by foot from designated parking areas around the townships of Seymour, Tallarook, Murchison and Molesworth,” Ms Horne said.

“The sites are coming online gradually as part of a staged approach, following a comprehensive consultation process where more than 1,100 submissions were received on draft regulations,” she said.

“Rigorous public land value assessments were conducted by DELWP to ensure the sites are safe – and are followed by Traditional Owner assessments of each site to ensure they are culturally appropriate for camping.”

Ms Horne said up to 50 more riverside camp sites would come online by the end of April, with newly available sites to be listed on DELWP’s website once they were identified as suitable for camping.

“Further sites along the Goulburn, Broken, Ovens, Campaspe, Loddon, and Murray Rivers are currently being assessed for inclusion in the program,” she said.

The Minister said future sites may be able to be accessed by vehicles, depending on their location.

Further information on the new camp sites can be accessed at this PS News link.

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