26 September 2023

Rival States share border concerns

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Victoria’s Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and NSW’s Department of Primary Industries (DPI) have joined forces to ensure the States’ agriculture industries can continue to operate while the Victoria/NSW border is closed.

In a joint statement, the Victorian Minister for Agriculture, Jaclyn Symes and NSW Minister for Agriculture, Adam Marshall said the two States were committed to working through any issues that may arise to ensure farmers and agribusinesses could continue to deliver their produce to market.

“This includes declaration from the NSW Government of agriculture, freight and logistics as critical services, supporting businesses across the border,” Ms Symes and Mr Marshall said.

“Victorians will be able to apply online via the Service NSW website for exemptions to move between the two States,” they said.

“Permits are also available for emergency services, medical or hospital care, freight and commercial workers and mining, construction, energy and manufacturing workers.”

Ms Symes and Mr Marshall said both Governments were also working to ensure regulatory requirements continued to be met, including necessary animal welfare practices and biosecurity requirements.

“The extent of any impacts to agricultural industries will become clearer as details of how the border closure will operate are worked though,” they said.

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