Amplify your personal brand while rejecting self-adulation. Photo: File.
Bruce Kasanoff says there is one simple way of having your voice heard above those who proclaim themselves the masters of the universe.
We live in a world where self-promotion seems inevitably to take centre stage.
“I made $1 million in between naps.”
“My book was the number-one bestseller on Amazon’s (insert obscure category) list for two consecutive days.”
“I’m a visionary! Whee!”
So what to do if you despise such self-adulation but still need to attract clients, have your voice heard, and/or influence the world around you in a positive manner?
Embrace the altruistic echo.
The altruistic echo is the amplification of your personal brand that occurs naturally and positively when you help others. Such actions create a ripple effect of goodwill and authentic connections across your network. (Network is a fancy word for family, friends, colleagues and associates).
Unlike the cacophony of self-centred marketing, the altruistic echo generates a lovely reverberation that resonates with authenticity and genuineness.
It’s not just about the act of helping, it’s also about setting a tone of benevolence and community that echoes through your interactions, both online and offline. The altruistic echo has its roots in a mindset — a sustained practice of placing the needs of others alongside or even before your own.
In doing so, you enrich the lives of the individuals and communities you touch.
At the same time, without a single ego-driven word or phrase, you shape a personal brand that’s human in the best sense of the word — genuine, trustworthy, responsible and reliable.
The digital world, with its 24/7 connectivity, serves as a fertile ground for the altruistic echo.
Social media, blogs and online communities become channels through which we can extend our help, share knowledge, and seemingly without effort, build a brand that’s rooted in meaningful interactions and positive impact.
Few things make me happier than when someone I have never met writes to say I have been of service to them. Many such notes have often led to genuine relationships.
Many times, I am the one offering thanks. For example, I recently reached out to Devon White to say how much I love his Evolving Humanity newsletter; we now have plans to meet and discuss the many overlaps in our interests.
If you aspire to be stronger, clearer and healthier, you should subscribe.
Please remember this: The altruistic echo doesn’t demand grand gestures. Small acts of kindness or simply being there for others in times of need make a big difference.
Here’s something that’s not widely understood: The more you help others, the more you shift yourself in a positive direction. You change for the better.
If you are tired of hearing others scream: “I am the master of the universe”, try whispering: “Can I be of service?”.
*Bruce Kasanoff is the founder of The Journey, a newsletter for positive, uplifting and accomplished professionals. He is also an executive coach and social media ghostwriter for entrepreneurs. He can be contacted at kasanoff.com. This article first appeared at kasanoff.com.