25 September 2023

Regional airport training takes off

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The Department of Home Affairs is to upgrade the training of security screeners at regional and remote airports across Australia.

Announcing the move, Minister for Home Affairs, Peter Dutton said it was needed to strengthen aviation security.

“Aviation remains an attractive target for terrorists,” Mr Dutton said.

“Although we already have strong and comprehensive aviation security, it is essential that we remain ahead of evolving threats.

“We have engaged an expert security training provider to enhance screeners’ threat detection skills so they can continue to perform effectively and protect the travelling public.”

He said at least 53 regional and remote airports would be offered the training in the next 12 months with the first sessions expected to start before the end of this year.

Mr Dutton said that in order to get the most from world class screening technology there was a need to ensure that screening officers across the network were trained in the most sophisticated threat detection techniques.

“Regional and remote airports can often be disadvantaged when it comes to the delivery of specialised training because of their distance from capital cities and the costs involved,” he said.

He believed the training would lead to increased standards across the board.

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