26 September 2023

Ready-made meals to meet CSIRO diet

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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is partnering with Australian food manufacturers and retailers to make it easier for time-poor Australians to choose nutritious ready-to-eat meals.

The Organisation said the meals would feature a new front of pack label that signalled they were suitable for the CSIRO Low Carb Diet.

Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO, Grant Brinkworth said it was through decades of nutrition and health research that the CSIRO understood the barriers which could hold people back from improving their diet quality

“We know that lifestyle factors like time and budget pressures and the growing rate of single person households are fuelling a strong demand for ready meals,” Professor Brinkworth said.

“In Australia, our diet is getting worse,” he said.

“Of the top 20 causes of death in Australia, 14 are lifestyle related, with Type Two diabetes one of the fastest growing chronic health conditions contributing to these startling numbers.”

“As people are seeking convenient food solutions, it is important to make the healthy solution the easy option.”

Professor Brinkworth said the CSIRO Low Carb Diet was an energy-controlled, nutritionally complete meal plan that was lower in carbohydrate and higher in protein and healthy fats.

“When compared to ready meals currently available in the Australian market, the meals displaying the Meal Suitable for the CSIRO Low Carb Diet mark on average contain 68 per cent less carbohydrate and 55 per cent less sodium,” he said.

“In a world full of so much nutrition noise, few diets have undergone the type of rigorous clinical testing and research that the CSIRO Low-Carb Diet has,” Professor Brinkworth said.

Further information on the CSIRO’s Low-Carb Diet can be accessed at this PS News link.

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