26 September 2023

Rain to dampen summer fire fears

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The ACT is expected to enjoy a normal fire season over the coming summer with forest regions enjoying a below-normal fire potential.

So says the annual season outlook of the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), which predicts the fire potential of the whole of Australia to help services across the nation prepare for the months and seasons ahead.

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ACTESA) said the Territory had been experiencing above-average rainfall that was expected to continue into spring.

“Because of above-average rainfall during our cooler months, and more rain predicted for spring, the 2021-22 outlook has forecast the ACT’s grasslands as having normal fire potential, and forested regions as having below-normal fire potential,” ACTESA said.

The Agency said the 2021 Storm Season officially began yesterday (1 September) and the start date for the 2021 Bushfire Season was still being assessed.

Chief Executive Officer of the AFAC, Stuart Ellis said the below-normal fire potential extended across parts of New South Wales and Victoria.

Mr Ellis said that while most of Australia showed normal bushfire potential during the spring outlook period, destructive and deadly fires could still occur during normal bushfire seasons.

“Fire potential can vary greatly, even at the smaller scale, between bordering States and Territories,” Mr Ellis said.

The AFAC’s four-page Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for spring can be accessed at this PS News link.

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