26 September 2023

Public invited to nominate top nurses

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The people of Canberra are being encouraged to show their appreciation for local nurses and midwives by nominating them for this year’s ACT Nurses and Midwives Excellence Awards.

Opening nominations the Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith said the consumer recognition award allowed patients, carers and their families to recognise the positive and long-lasting impact of a nurse, midwife or team in the past year.

Ms Stephen-Smith said the local community was instrumental in recognising healthcare workers at last year’s awards and encouraged Canberrans to get their nominations in by 6 March.

“The consumer recognition award gives the public a chance to say thank you to nurses, midwives or teams they feel went above and beyond in their care, or who made a simple, thoughtful gesture,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.

“We received 36 nominations from the public in the award’s first year, each with heartfelt stories that demonstrated the kindness, patience and professionalism of Canberra’s nurses and midwives,” she said.

“I’d like to encourage anyone who has had a positive experience with a nurse or midwife recently to send in a nomination to recognise what that experience meant for you and your loved ones.”

Ms Stephen-Smith said the ACT Nurses and Midwives Excellence Awards were presented annually during Nursing and Midwifery Week (5-12 May).

She said the consumer recognition awards would be announced alongside the peer-nominated Nurses and Midwives Excellence Awards categories: clinical practice, education, leadership, management, and research/quality improvement.

Further information on the awards and how to nominate can be accessed at this PS News link.

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