26 September 2023

PS staff honoured in Australia Day awards

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Her Majesty the Queen has recognised the skills and commitment of a wide range of staff members in the NSW Public Service this Australia Day rewarding them with honours for their outstanding service, achievements, leadership and innovation in serving the people of the State.

The honours were released on Her Majesty’s behalf by the Governor-General, his Excellency General David Hurley, and include among other awards the PS-only honour, the Public Service Medal.

The honoured PS staff on Australia Day 2021 include:



For outstanding public service to the Lithgow City Council, particularly during the 2019-2020 bushfires.

Lewis Bezzina has excelled in delivering high level service to Lithgow City Council in the role as Transport Manager.

Most recently, in the wake of the devastating December 2019 Gospers Mountain bushfire, he has been vital to the coordination of Lithgow City Council’s recovery program. Managing a $1.3 million budget he oversaw major remediation works, including slope stability, bridge repairs, road pavement reconstruction and stormwater drainage reestablishment.

He corroborated with Commonwealth Government allocated Australian and Indonesian Defence Force Personnel, assigning resources to directly assist the Lithgow community. He liaised with impacted and traumatised residents, managing to satisfy their immediate needs with compassion and empathy.

He also successfully coordinated arborists and Australian Defence Force personnel to quickly remove over 2,000 dangerous trees within the Lithgow local government area.

Mr Bezzina’s dedicated and committed service to the Lithgow City Council, and to the community, has been exemplary.


For outstanding public service to Legal Aid New South Wales, particularly during the 2019-2020 bushfires.

Ms Bryant joined the New South Wales public service in 1996. Since that time she has served in the Civil Law Division of Legal Aid NSW where she is a Senior Solicitor, managing five civil law teams along the NSW East Coast. As part of her role she has overseen new initiatives such as the Legal Aid Elder Abuse Service, and has implemented innovative outreach and community legal education programs.

During the 2019-2020 bushfires, she mobilised the Disaster Response Legal Service in record time at an unprecedented scale, coordinating 68 civil lawyers over several months to provide holistic, trauma-informed legal services. Under her leadership, the Disaster Response Legal Service delivered over 1000 legal assistance services, attended 68 community recovery meetings, and reached over 2,500 residents across NSW.

She also worked tirelessly with the team to roster volunteers from across Legal Aid NSW during the bushfires. She strengthened partnerships with services such as Justice Connect, community legal centres, and the Red Cross to guarantee the delivery of urgent legal services, initially operating seven days a week. She also provided a critical link between Legal Aid NSW, the Office of Emergency Management, and local councils during this period.

Ms Bryant throughout her more than 24 year career has demonstrated outstanding leadership and commitment to Legal Aid NSW, bringing frontline legal services to people, particularly to those in regional and remote New South Wales.


For outstanding public service to rail transport in New South Wales, particularly to the development of safe working protocols during COVID-19.

Dr Casolin has been the Chief Health Officer for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink since 2005.

During this time he has made a significant contribution to rail safety in NSW and in the field of Occupational Medicine. His primary role involves providing advice on the development, implementation and evaluation of medical and health systems in Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink, ensuring they meet legislative requirements, the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers, and best practice standards.

His contribution to Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink includes the tireless work undertaken after the Waterfall train crash in January 2003, which led to the publication of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers, and a nation-wide shift in the approach to the medical assessment and certification of rail workers.

Currently during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has responded to time critical and complex enquiries, and has established protocols to support at risk employees through special leave policies and provided consultation on complex cases.

He has also contributed to the cleaning and hygiene policies now in place across the network, established protocols for frontline employees dealing with COVID-19 anti-social behaviour, and led the implementation of temperature screenings at high risk locations.

Dr Casolin’s advice has helped ensure all 30,000 transport employees remain healthy and safe.

Stephen Bruce CATHCART PSM

For outstanding public service to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, particularly to the protection of the Wollemi Pines during the 2019-2020 bushfires.

Stephen Cathcart has dedicated his career to the conservation of New South Wales’ natural and cultural heritage. Commencing at the National Parks and Wildlife Service as a Ranger in 1991, he has worked across various landscapes including as the patch ranger for the Wollemi National Park, home to the critically endangered Wollemi Pine.

Now managing the northern part of the Kosciuszko National Park he returned to the Wollemi National Park during the summer of 2019-2020 to assist as bushfires threatened the Wollemi Pines. In response to the bushfire threat, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, in conjunction with the Rural Fire Service, implemented the ‘Wollemi Pine Operation’ assembling a group of highly experienced firefighters and ecologists to work together to minimise the impacts of fire on the trees.

Mr Cathcart was an integral member of this specialist team, using his extensive knowledge, skills and experience to assist in developing and implementing an operations plan that reduced the intensity of the fire as it travelled towards the Pines. As Air Attack Supervisor he also coordinated the aerial components of the fire response, including integrating air attack and on-ground activities, and coordinating aircraft requirements and operations.

As the fire reached the canyon where the Wollemi Pines were located he was winched into the site and found that fire had damaged the irrigation system and that some of the pines had been affected by fire. He quickly repaired the damaged irrigation section and extinguished most of the active fire at the site thereby saving these important trees.

Mr Cathcart’s service to the National Parks and Wildlife service during his almost 30 year career has been exemplary.

Terrance James CLOUT PSM

For outstanding public service to New South Wales Health.

Terrance Clout commenced his career with NSW Health in 1984 and during over 30 years of service he was committed to delivering high quality public health care services to the community.

He was at the forefront of change and innovation in clinical care and health governance and has been vital to the development of improved services in mental health, oral health, child protection, domestic violence, Aboriginal health and HIV/Hepatitis C, whilst also working tirelessly to improve organ and tissue donation rates in NSW up until retirement in 2014.

At the request of the Secretary of NSW Health, he returned to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer, Southern Local Health District, in early January 2020. With extreme bushfires ravaging Southern NSW, he drew upon his strong leadership and expertise in disaster management and recovery to guide the Local Health District through extraordinary times. His expertise, previously developed in the management of devastating floods in northern NSW and the Swine flu pandemic, was crucial in bringing stability to the Local Health District and engaging with multiple agencies and partners involved in the bushfire response and subsequent recovery.

Again at the request of the Secretary, he extended his area of responsibility to coordinate NSW Health’s recovery effort in the three Local Health Districts most significantly impacted by the bushfires. In doing so, he assisted in coordinating the health response with agencies across the Local Health Districts, and developed productive relationships with the communities, councils and government agencies working on the recovery effort.

Mr Clout’s dedication and commitment to NSW Health, and to the community, has been exemplary.

Stephen Michael DURNFORD PSM

For outstanding public service to building regulation in New South Wales.

Mr Durnford has driven positive change and enduring outcomes for the people of New South Wales during his over 45 year career in the State Public Service.

His advice, ideas and expertise have been instrumental in many major building reforms in New South Wales, and nationally, since the 1980s. His in-depth knowledge of building regulation, standards and codes and the ability to translate such technical jargon into a language that is easy and understandable for Executives, Government Ministers and the Australian Building Code Board has been of the highest order

Following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London in 2017, he was intrinsically involved in the development of the NSW Government’s response to the disaster, including leading the development of the associated building fire safety reforms in the State. He was also instrumental to the Coronial Inquiry into a fatal fire at Bankstown, and the subsequent changes to the National Construction Code and the building regulatory system following the Lambert Review.

His leadership was particularly evident when he steered the NSW Government’s response to the 2011 Quakers Hill nursing home fire, which included the delivery of a program to retrofit sprinklers in every nursing home facility across the state.

Mr Durnford is a highly regarded and valued public servant who exemplifies the very best of service to the community.

Susan Denise FRENCH PSM

For outstanding public service to education in New South Wales.

Ms French joined the New South Wales public service in 1979 as a teacher at Dover Heights Girls High School.

As a High School teacher and Principal, NSW Coordinator of the Australian National Schools Network, member of the Secondary Principal’s Council and Strategic Projects Officer, she has significantly improved the performance of students, teachers, school leaders and schools, as well as leading system-wide reform at the state and national level.

Throughout her career she has been an advocate of equal educational opportunities for all students and has been active in seeking additional support and resources for students from lower socio-economic, Indigenous, and multicultural backgrounds. She also played a significant role in the development of policies on how gender is constructed and the impact of class, race, cultural background and sexuality on the lives of students. The policy focussed on ensuring both boys and girls had equal opportunities in schools and in society.

During her service as Principal at St Johns Park High School, she was instrumental in leading the transformation of the disadvantaged and diverse school community. In 2015, with 61% of her students in the lowest socio-economic quartile, with more than 90% from a non-English speaking background, and with more than 100 refugees, five of her students achieved ATARs over 99, and 146 out of 170 students received a university offer.

She also led the review of the NSW Department of Education Gifted and Talented policy. The High Potential and Gifted Education policy, scheduled for implementation in 2021, will impact on every school setting, curriculum and program framework, school and system professional learning and potentially each student.

Ms French’s commitment to the education and development of students in New South Wales has been of the highest order.

Lisa Patricia GARDNER PSM

For outstanding public service to the New South Wales Police Force.

Mrs Gardner has been integral to the complex operation of police recruit training since commencing work with the New South Wales Police Academy in 1997.

She has been vital part of the management and training of over 21,000 police recruits during her time at the Academy, including overseeing more than 60 Attestation Parades.

Her knowledge of the local Goulburn area, and her nurtured relationships with community and business leaders make her an invaluable conduit between the Academy and the community.

During a major restructure of the Associate Degree in Policing Practice in 2018 she provided essential support to the Executive to ensure this major work was completed in a timely and seamless manner. She also initiated an overhaul of the Academy’s correspondence system in 2019, moving to a paperless process. Her strengths in customer service and organisation are highly valued, and her tireless work on the day-to-day operations have been integral to the Academy’s success.

Mrs Gardner has contributed significantly to the reputation of the New South Wales Police Academy, and to police education.

Jody Marie GRIMA PSM

For outstanding public service to the community through Service New South Wales.

Ms Grima has been instrumental in establishing an organisation which fosters strong employee engagement, resulting in world class customer service since being appointed as Executive Director, Service Delivery at Service NSW.

She has been instrumental in creating a diverse and inclusive workforce reflecting the community her teams serve.

She has been a strong advocate for the development of her 3,000 frontline team members who, every week, process transactions relating to more than 800 services through more than 300,000 interactions at over 100 service outlets across NSW.

She has held several roles throughout her 20 year career in the NSW public service, all of which have led to significant reform in service provision and the running of large multidisciplinary teams in complex environments. In 2012, she was involved in creating the vision for what is now Service NSW. In 2018, she embedded Cost of Living services into Service NSW Business, changing the organisation to a navigational and relationship-based service which subsequently returned an estimated $1.6 billion to NSW citizens.

With the launch of Service NSW Mobile Service Centres in 2019, her team provided access to government services to every town in the state. There are currently four Mobile Service Centres operating in New South Wales which have processed over 8,500 transactions across 137 locations. Over the last 12 months she has led the Customer Care function which has supported citizens directly impacted by the 2019/20 Bushfires and COVID-19.

Ms Grima’s success in her role has been built on transparent, respectful and trusting relationships, and an ability to mobilise teams to respond to the needs of the community of New South Wales.

Kate Gwendolyne HACKETT PSM

For outstanding public service to health care delivery in Western Sydney.

Ms Hackett has worked in health services in New South Wales since 2001, when she commenced her nursing career at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney.

In 2006 she relocated to Westmead Hospital where she has been a vital contributor to professional, highly skilled, motivated and adaptable nursing and midwifery standards at the hospital for the past 14 years. As the Director, Nursing and Midwifery she advocates for her patients and a high quality of care, while leading her team in a collaborative manner.

In 2015 she was part of the team that initiated the State of Bio-preparedness and High Consequence Infectious Diseases projects to support succession planning in the event of new and emerging infectious diseases. She then adapted these plans in January 2020 to prepare the hospital to respond to COVID-19. During the pandemic she has been exceptional in developing and rapidly implementing strategies for her nursing staff to ensure a well-managed response to COVID-19, while maintaining a high level of care and compassion for hospital patients.

In addition to developing the Westmead COVID Hospital Strategy, she has also been a valued member of the Western Sydney Local Health District COVID-19 Clinical Expert Advisory Group. She has also played a vital role in the redevelopment of the Westmead Hospital Precinct, advocating for nursing and the development of the precinct.

Ms Hackett is highly respected by her peers and patients for her exemplary standard of professionalism and health care delivery to the community of New South Wales.

Anita Carol HAWTIN PSM

For outstanding public service to the New South Wales Public Service Commission.

Ms Hawtin commenced her career in the New South Wales public sector over 35 years ago. Among her many achievements is her work on the redesign and expansion of the New South Wales Government’s Graduate Program and the New South Wales Public Service Talent Pools.

In 2016 she consolidated the separate graduate programs from across the public sector to create the sector-wide New South Wales Government Graduate Program. This unique and innovative graduate program is now ranked number four in the Australian Financial Review’s annual list of Top 100 Graduate Programs, and has been recognised with Australia’s Most Popular Government and Defence Employer Award for the past three years.

The annual Graduate Program has placed 671 graduates in the five years since its inception.

Concurrently, she played an integral role in designing the structure and processes for the New South Wales Public Service Talent Pools. She consulted with agencies to ensure the talent pool program benefited and met the varied needs of individual agencies, whilst providing diverse opportunities for candidates. This well-established sector-wide workforce management program now achieves over 70 hires per year, producing significant savings in recruitment costs. These whole-of-government initiatives have played a key role in the NSW Government becoming an employer of choice.

She is also compassionate in her support for candidates progressing through these programs, ensuring they are provided the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Ms Hawtin’s commitment and dedication to the New South Wales Public Service, and to the community, have been exemplary.

Natasha Rosemary LUSCHWITZ PSM

For outstanding public service to emergency crisis management in New South Wales.

Ms Luschwitz, in her role as Executive Director, Strategic Coordination in the Department of Premier and Cabinet in New South Wales, has shown incredible expertise and commitment in her leadership of two successive and unprecedented complex emergency crises – namely the 2019-2020 bushfires and the current COVID-19 pandemic.

During the 2019-2020 bushfire crisis she was instrumental in bringing together senior leaders from across government agencies to prioritise early strategic action to support the Government’s response through the establishment of the Disaster Recovery Office in January 2020.

Her leadership and management in this critical time allowed the NSW Government to focus on supporting communities through the recovery phase, while the bushfire response was still underway. She provided support to senior operational response leaders, ensuring cross government collaboration and effective communication, while also managing the intergovernment coordination with the Commonwealth.

In the State Emergency Operations Centre she provided support for emergency response coordination including in the immediate relief and early recovery stages where she assisted in establishing relationships between state agencies and the new National Bushfire Recovery Agency.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, she led the establishment of the NSW Government COVID-19 Taskforce, ensuring an integrated implementation unit drove the policy changes that underpinned the Government’s response. The Taskforce provided expert advice on non-Health matters to the Premier.

Ms Luschwitz fosters a culture of high-performance and empowers staff to produce high calibre policy advice in complex and high-pressure situations, while prioritising the delivery of tangible positive impacts for the community of New South Wales.

Charles Cameron MacLACHLAN PSM

For outstanding public service to local government in New South Wales, particularly during the emergency response to the 2019 bush fires.

Mr MacLachlan has displayed outstanding service to the Glenn Innes Severn Council, particularly as the Technical Services Coordinator for the Council. As part of this role he supports Local Emergency Management as the Local Emergency Management Officer.

During the Section 44 Bush Fire Emergency of 2019 he coordinated Emergency Services support for Glenn Innes and the surrounding New England region. Through continual analysis of his surroundings, challenging decisions and providing considered and effective solutions, he improved the efficiency of the firefighting effort. His ability to provide leadership, integration and support across multiple agencies during this time was invaluable.

He developed and implemented effective systems within the Emergency Operations Centre to integrate communication between multiple agencies operating on different platforms. This enabled the dissemination of up-to-date information to all the stakeholders involved in supporting and resourcing the bush fire emergency efforts.

He facilitated the installation of a 200-person Rural Fire Services basecamp in Glen Innes and, despite level five water restrictions, he developed an alternate water supply (effluent reuse) and coordinated its transport for firefighting activities. When VIPs and dignitaries visited the local area, he coordinated staff and resources for VIP transport at short notice and he also led the Glen Innes airport team supporting water-bomber operations, ensuring the airport was able to operate well beyond capacity.

Mr MacLachlan had a profound impact on colleagues and stakeholders alike as a source of encouragement and support during a time of unprecedented crisis.

Paul Brian WOOD PSM

For outstanding public service to education in New South Wales.

Dr Wood has demonstrated dedication and commitment to improving student outcomes across a diverse range of leadership roles for the New South Wales Department of Education.

As a Teacher, Principal and Director, he has led the Department’s delivery of the Literacy and Numeracy Strategy; the curriculum initiatives for Early Learning and Primary Education; and curriculum and learning resources.

In March 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in the Government’s request for parents to keep their children at home, he was instrumental in leading the drive for remote learning in New South Wales Public Schools.

As a member of the Department of Education’s Continuity of Learning Taskforce he was instrumental in leading the development of curriculum units of work designed to be adaptable by teachers and applied in all learning environments whether students were school-based or learning from home. This included the design of single units of work, learning sequences for Kindergarten to Year 10 teachers, five week learning packs for Kindergarten to Year 6 students, as well as the provision of over 120 on-demand curriculum courses and webinars to support continuity of learning.

One of the key initiatives he oversaw during this time was the creation of curriculum based virtual state-wide staffrooms which provided an environment to facilitate discussions between teachers, as well as sharing of their own resources and insights. These staffrooms were attended by more than 30,000 teachers seeking support in delivering remote learning. He also established a partnership with ABC TV to nationally broadcast additional teaching resources to complement existing learning tools.

Dr Wood’s knowledge, commitment and ability to adapt and overcome the most difficult of circumstances have been of incredible benefit to the New South Wales Department of Education, and to students, parents and teachers across the community.

Sarah Anne WYLIE PSM

For outstanding public service to regional New South Wales, particularly to community recovery programs following the 2019-2020 bushfires.

Ms Wylie has been a senior leader at the Department of Regional New South Wales’ Public Works Advisory for over 12 years.

Most recently in her role as the Director of the Bushfire Clean-Up Program, she made a positive impact on traumatised and fragile communities, delivering meaningful outcomes for those affected by the unprecedented 2019-2020 bushfires.

Tasked with undertaking the biggest bush fire clean-up in Australian history, she and her team prioritised the removal of destroyed and damaged structures to allow people to rebuild their homes and lives. As at 31 July 2020, the team had cleaned up nearly 3,500 properties, managing the process with empathy for their clients.

For over six months she travelled across the State meeting with property owners and local contractors, and working with local councils and other state government agencies, to ensure the Clean-up Program was delivered in the most efficient and effective way possible. Due to the scale of the devastation the program is still in operation as a result of continued community engagement and submission of registrations for clean-up assistance.

Through the Bushfire Clean-Up Program, she has undertaken project delivery in a complex, high profile and publicly sensitive landscape. She has led a remotely based team of 30 people, while managing critical time constraints and challenging deadlines.

Ms Wylie’s dedicated service and commitment to New South Wales Public Works, and to the community, has been of the highest order.

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