The Public Sector Commission’s annual report has been tabled in the State Parliament.
In her introduction to the report, Public Sector Commissioner, Sharyn O’Neill said the report showcased The Public Service’s achievements and challenges, and the impact of its work in the 2021-22 financial year.
She said the spirit of public service made the sector a unique and rewarding place to work.
“We saw this in late 2021 when we called on Government sector employees to support the State’s contact tracing program,” Ms O’Neill (pictured) said.
She said she was delighted with the number of staff volunteering to be trained and then deployed to help protect the health of their communities — “their willingness to step up and serve in a completely different way displayed great resilience and adaptability”.
“We continued our work to ensure workplaces are welcoming and inclusive for people of all backgrounds with successful programs such as the School Based Traineeship Program, Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program and public sector internships,” Ms O’Neill said.
“This year we made Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training mandatory for the sector and created our own cultural training resource.”
She said integrity was a foundational element of working in the public sector and upholding the trust of Western Australians had never been more important than during these times of uncertainty and change.
“Whether you are a cadet or a Chief Executive, the public is placing their trust in you and the sector, and rightly expect the highest level of integrity,” the Public Sector Commissioner said.
She said the Agency Capability Review Program trial was part of the sector’s commitment to continuously learn, improve and ultimately deliver the best services to the people of Western Australia.
“So far, our review teams have completed three reviews, providing insights to strengthen Agencies and the sector as a whole,” Ms O’Neill said.
These initiatives and more are what make the public sector a great place to work and one that I have the privilege of leading.”
The 107-page Public Sector Commission Annual Report 2021-2022 can be accessed at this PS News link.