27 September 2023

PS reform shelved for crisis

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The Government’s public sector reform program is among a number of initiatives that have been shelved as the State battles to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Premier, Mark McGowan said the public sector reform program had been deferred indefinitely as the State focussed on COVID-19.

“Where possible, staff in these areas will be reassigned to COVID-19-related tasks,” Mr McGowan said.

The Premier said that while the Government had undertaken a huge program of reform across the State, putting some on hold was the responsible thing to do.

“Further measures to support the State Government’s response to COVID-19 are being considered and will be rolled out as needed,” he said.

He said the program Our Priorities: Sharing Prosperity, the Strategic Assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions, and the Supporting Communities Forum would also be shelved during the pandemic.

“Infrastructure Western Australia (IWA) has also agreed to scale back work on preparing the State’s 20-year infrastructure plan given the current uncertainty,” Mr McGowan said.

He said IWA would be looking at other ways of using its expertise to assist the Government during the COVID-19 pandemic response.

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