Another week and another edition of PS News except that this one is special.
Today’s issue of PS News is its 800th edition marking 800 weeks of reporting, writing and distributing all the news that is the news about the Australian Public Service for the past 17 years.
What started in November 2005 with a dozen pages of weekly news sent to 1,500 emails freely available in the “Commonwealth Government Directory” then has matured into 90-pages of weekly news and information serving a largely closed audience today of more than 62,500 APS staff members, and continuing to expand.
Marking the significance of the APS and its 800th week news service, APS Commissioner, Peter Woolcott AO kindly offered a good word.
“Congratulations PS News on your 800th edition,” Mr Woolcott said.
“What a wicket and not out yet!” he said.
“As we focus on building a world-class public service to serve our community to the highest standard, I wish PS News and the team all the best for future successes and continued delivery of informative and independent news for the public service.”
Finder and editor of PS News, Frank Cassidy, took the opportunity of thanking and congratulating the many thousands of APS staff members who have made PS News what it is today, compared with what it was back in 2005.
Cassidy paid tribute to the hundreds of readers who have offered advice on how to improve PS News, how to ensure it stays relevant to its readers and how best to go forward as the public service changes.
“Like every newspaper, magazine, TV show or radio program, we wouldn’t be where we are if other people we never get to meet appreciate our work.”
“All we can do is say ‘thankyou’ and promise to keep delivering it while you like it.”
So, on the occasion of PS News turning 800 this week, we look forward to it maturing even more to 900 or 1,000 next time we creep out of the back room and celebrate again!