26 September 2023

PS Medal of honour now taking names

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The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) has announced that nominations are now open for the 2022 Public Service Medal (PSM).

In a statement, the PM&C said the PSM was an important element in the Australian honours system, recognising outstanding public service.

“Each year, up to 30 exceptional APS and Government employees are formally recognised through the award of the PSM,” the PM&C said.

“Recently, the Governor-General announced 21 Commonwealth PSM recipients in the Queen’s Birthday 2021 honours list,” it said.

“These recipients reflect the broad range of contributions possible in the Public Service and the importance of Public Service work to Australia.”

The Department said the honours list now included a dedicated COVID-19 Honour Roll, recognising individuals for their outstanding contribution, service and achievement relating to the pandemic.

“Of the 21 awards announced in the Queen’s Birthday 2021 honours list, 14 were for contributions to the Government’s COVID-19 response and recovery,” it said.

“Nominations are now open until 1 November for PSMs as part of the Queen’s Birthday 2022 honours list.”

The Department said the sole criterion was ‘outstanding public service’, which might be demonstrated through a consistently exceptional record of achievement, or outstanding performance in managing a specific project or activity that had a lasting legacy.

“You are encouraged to identify people at both non-SES and SES levels who reflect Public Service diversity and whose service, contribution and achievements make them worthy of this recognition,” the PM&C said.

Further information and nomination forms can be accessed at this PS News link.

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