25 September 2023

PS journal a good read

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The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) has reported a strong increase in the impact its Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA) is having among academics studying or dealing with the public sector.

The Journal’s editorial team, headed by the Deputy Dean of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG), Catherine Althaus, has almost doubled its ‘Impact Factor’ since 2015 – that factor being a measure of the frequency with which articles are cited in other publications or documents.

ANZSOG said the Impact Factor was recently measured at 1.311, a considerable improvement on 2015’s figure of 0.667, reflecting the team’s goal of increasing the academic standing of the Journal.

It said another goal of the editorial team had been to internationalise the Journal, with a greater focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

“While the AJPA aims to be the leading Journal for public administration scholarship in Australia, to be on the cutting edge of this it needs to be on top of developments in the Asia-Pacific region,” ANZSOG said.

“Two upcoming special issues reflect this goal — one on Australian and Chinese evidence-based policy, and another on innovation in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Professor of Public Management at ANZSOG and a member of the all-female editorial team with Professor Helen Dickinson and Maria Katsonis, Janine O’Flynn said the team had not only been implementing rigorous academic standards but was also paying deliberate attention to practitioner impact.

Professor O’Flynn described the Journal’s editorial team as ‘awesome” saying all the members were very proud to be part of it.

The Journal is owned by IPAA and published by Wiley.

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