New members of the Western Australian public sector are now able to experience their official induction online, providing easier access for new and existing staff to understand how the pieces of the State’s biggest employer work together and where they fit.
In a statement, the Public Sector Commission (PSC) said the induction process had previously been delivered through quarterly face-to-face seminars.
“The online induction provides an extensive overview of the important work of the sector and the critical role public officers play in serving the people of Western Australia,” the Commission said.
“The interactive and self-paced 30-minute induction is designed to complement Agency-specific on-boarding activities and covers the sector’s structure and role, expectations about integrity and focus on diversity and inclusion.”
The PSC said the online process took a broad look at what constituted the public sector, what it meant to be a sector employee, what was expected of the person in their service to the community and where they fitted in.
“With virtually every profession, trade and work represented in the sector, our workplaces across the State span from remote and rural communities, to large towns and cities,” it said.
“Our 140,000 employees working on programs, projects, initiatives and services show that there are enormous opportunities for you to start, extend and enhance your career — and your role in contributing to our State’s growth and prosperity.”
Topics to be included in the various links for induction include: Navigating your journey; the role of the sector; how we’re structured; our role as employees; the importance of integrity; our people, our diversity; wrap up, and record of completion.
The induction program can be accessed at this PS News link.