26 September 2023

PS Commissioner unveils strategic narrative

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A Strategic Narrative for the public sector has been released by Public Sector Commissioner, Sharyn O’Neill at an event attended by more than 400 Agency leaders.

The narrative, called Future Enabled, provides a new impetus for focused planning, leadership, capability and delivery across the range of functions provided by Agencies and their employees.

Ms O’Neill (pictured) said stories had been used throughout time to unite societies and people.

“A Strategic Narrative can do the same for us — give us, as a sector, a common purpose and direction,” Ms O’Neill said.

“The Narrative outlines the six aspects of change that will be a focus over the coming years to make sure the public sector is future enabled.”

She said finding solutions to complex problems for the public good was, in many ways, the essence of the work of the public sector.

“To do this well, our sector must be consistent and reliable — but also innovative, transformative and adaptable to meet new and arising challenges,” Ms O’Neill said.

Developed and endorsed by the Public Sector Leadership Council, Future Enabled describes a common direction and purpose for the public sector and shares its story of the enduring spirit of service with the community.

“It recognises the public sector’s place in our democracy as independent, impartial and apolitical,” she said.

“It emphasises the importance of thinking and re-thinking to solve problems with efficiency, humility and heart; and of delivering services that make a positive difference for citizens and communities,” Ms O’Neill said.

Further information can be accessed at this PS News link.

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