Comcare has introduced new claims options for non-corporate Commonwealth entities taking an active role in managing their workers’ compensation claims.
The Agency has appointed two third party providers to offer claim management services.
It has named Allianz Australia and Gallagher Bassett to provide the services following trials in the Department of Human Services and Australian Taxation Office.
Comcare said the new service options continued its focus on improving its performance and working with Agencies to ensure the most efficient and effective workers’ compensation scheme for the Australian Public Service.
“To give effect to the model in which an Agency delegate is supported by a third-party claims management provider, Comcare went to market in late April to procure service providers to deliver claims management services,” it said.
“Allianz Australia and Gallagher Bassett have been selected as the two service providers.”
Comcare said eligible Agencies would now be able to work with it to determine whether a change in claims service options was right for them. In the meantime it was communicating directly with the eligible Agencies.
“The new claims service options are not mandatory and do not involve amendments to the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 or Comcare’s role in managing liabilities and setting premiums for Agencies,” it said.
“More information on the new claims service options will be provided on Comcare’s website in the coming weeks.
Agencies interested in receiving more information about the claims service options could register on the Comcare website at this PS News link.