26 September 2023

Prisoners’ isolation policy made cooler

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Changes to the isolation policy for new reception and transfer prisoners have been announced by Queensland Corrective Services (QCS).

QCS Commissioner Peter Martin said the isolation policy would now be cumulative, which meant that prisoners who were transferred between centres during their isolation period would not have to restart their 14 days.

“Additionally, prisoners who leave their cell to attend medical appointments at the Medical Centre or a hospital, attend a video conference or other essential appointments, will not have to restart their isolation period,” Commissioner Martin said.

“This relaxing of the isolation protocols reflects the changing nature of the pandemic in the community, with few new active cases being identified.

“As the risk reduces, our protocols will change in a responsive and proportionate way.”

He said the changes were guided by the best scientific advice from Queensland Health, keeping in mind the environmental conditions which had seen a flattening of the COVID-19 curve and no new transmissions reported overnight and over a number of days.

“New receptions and transfers will be subject to health screening including temperature checks during their 14-day isolation periods,” Commissioner Martin said.

“To the greatest extent possible each prisoner subject will have access to medical treatment including specialist mental health services; engagement with the offender development team to monitor and support their mental health, and activities that might be undertaken whilst isolated (such as books, drawing and letter writing.”

He said that once the 14-day period had expired, the prisoner would be considered for placement in the general prisoner population subject to a final health and temperature check.

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