26 September 2023

Prison weighs in with flood relief

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West Kimberley Regional Prison (WKRP) prisoners and staff have joined forces to provide food and emergency supplies to families impacted by the Kimberley flood crisis.

The prison is providing frozen meals from its backup supply as well as breakfast packs, toiletries and other personal hygiene products to people who have fled their homes with little or no possessions.

The prison kitchen is being used to prepare meals, with the overall relief effort coordinated by officers from the Department of Communities.

Superintendent at the WKRP, Heather Murchie said cooking ingredients donated to the Department were delivered to the WKRP where prisoners were cooking and packing up to 100 meals per day.

“The 150 prison staff are more than happy to help support the emergency effort, and it’s also really rewarding for the prisoners,” Superintendent Murchie said.

“Most of them have family members impacted by the floods, so they’re happy to cook meals and do whatever they can.”

Derby remains isolated, with the flooded roads to Broome and Fitzroy Crossing cut off. However, the prison has avoided any damage.

“Things are pretty wet around the prison, but the perimeter hasn’t been impacted,” Superintendent Murchie said.

“We are built on higher ground and our drainage systems have held up well. It has currently stopped raining, so the water build-up is starting to subside.”

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