Pamela Culpepper* says C-suite leaders may have good intentions on gender equity, but employers need to back up those beliefs with action.

Photo: Cecilie Arcurs
Today’s headlines continue to show that employers — despite the best of intentions — still don’t have the right programs in place to create equitable workplaces.
We’ve all seen the stories about employers that have made some great strides in the diversity and inclusion space, but have been called out when not living up to the promises they make.
The reality is that making the workplace equitable with greater female representation in leadership and boards, pay equity and other important policies and procedures, won’t happen until leaders take a hard look at the traditions and systemic behaviours that have sustained the slow or no growth progress toward the desired outcomes.
But there are three things organisations and leaders can do to move beyond good intentions and build workplace cultures that enable all women to thrive.
- Audit your workplace
What internal policies and practices do you have in place that perhaps unintentionally serve as barriers to advancement and belonging?
Identifying and retro-fitting sacred traditions that stand in the way of progress is a must.
Consider the golf outing with clients: Does that limit how women can be represented in out of office experiences which are vital to building relationships?
Consider maternity and parental leave, too.
While you probably have a policy in place, is it one that does not penalise new mums when they come back to the workplace?
Are they inundated with volumes of emails upon their return and stressed with having to do more just to catch up?
Are they returning to their previous job and on track to advance at the same pace?
Many organisations are embracing job sharing even as a temporary move to give returning parents the ability to hit the ground running and move forward as opposed to having to play catch up in hyper speed.
Creating policies that ease the ability of mums to return to the workforce shows that you recognise this challenge and have a solution to making it work.
- Broaden your frame of reference
Allow for what you don’t know and can’t see to shift the burden of proof away from the women seeking change.
#MeToo opened the flood gates of awareness of workplace harassment. As we look at the two-year mark from some of the most visible examples, women who came forward are finding that the repercussions of their bravery have left them penalised in the workforce.
What systems have you put in place to enable and support staffers who have legitimate claims and cases?
And more importantly – how are you, as a leader, adopting, sharing and living the values and vision that make equality in the workplace a priority?
- Mind the gap
Be vigilant in ensuring your external and internal brand and organisational positions align.
More and more, employers are being called on to act.
We saw it with the recent announcements from the business roundtable that companies need to be accountable to more than just shareholders.
The public agrees and is looking for the action behind the words.
People are protesting in loud and large volumes and social media is amplifying these voices.
* Pamela Culpepper is co-founder of Have Her Back Consulting and the former chief global diversity officer for PepsiCo. Her website is
This article first appeared at