25 September 2023

Police use week to focus on missing Canberrans

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ACT Policing is using the 30th anniversary of Missing Persons Week this week to raise community awareness of the Territory’s long-term missing people as well as help reduce the incidence and impact of missing persons.

There are currently 14 long-term missing persons reported in the ACT, including two people missing overseas.

Detective Superintendent Jamey Bellicanta said that last year ACT Policing received 652 reports of missing people and this year there had already been 427 reports.

“The majority of people reported missing to police are located within a short period of time, usually within a week,” DS Bellicanta said.

“It is important to give police all the facts and circumstances related to a missing person’s disappearance, including search efforts already made by you and others.”

He said there was no timeframe to report someone as missing.

“If a person’s whereabouts are unknown and there are fears for their safety, or you have concerns for their welfare, contact ACT Policing immediately on 131 444 or attend your local Police Station,” DS Bellicanta said.

He said in some cases the missing person was not aware they had been reported missing.

“While going missing is not a crime in itself, when someone does go missing, their life may be in danger and they may be at an increased risk of falling victim to a crime.

He said some people choose to go missing.

“If you are one of those people, we ask that you contact police and if you wish to remain estranged from your family or friends, you can do so,” DS Bellicanta said.

“Police will notify them that you are safe and well and no details are provided.”

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