26 September 2023

Police to step up to stop speeding

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Over the coming days, ACT Police plan to be drawing attention to speeding on our roads with a particular focus on high speed and arterial road safety.

ACT Policing plan to crack down on drivers who choose to speed anywhere in the ACT, and paying extra attention to driver behaviour on roads where the speed limit is 80km/h or more.

While there will be a national focus on regional and rural speeding during National Road Safety Week, the police said bush capital drivers could easily go from city streets to country roads and back again in a relatively short drive.

Detective Acting Superintendent Matt Craft from ACT Road Policing and Emergency Management and Planning said speeding drivers should remember police can be anywhere, at anytime.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re driving on the back roads around Tidbinbilla or Tharwa, on the Parkways or the Monaro Highway, you are responsible for your safety, and everyone else in your car,” Detective A/Supt Craft said.

“You will see an increased police presence and increased speed detection on our metropolitan and rural roads. We will enforce speeding offences using handheld laser and mobile radar devices,” he said.

“Don’t think casual speeding is acceptable, even going just a few k’s over the limit greatly increases your odds of being injured in a crash.”

Detective A/Supt Craft said that while National Road Safety Week wraps up next Sunday, road safety is a constant focus for police.

“This operation will continue into next week in addition to our regular targeting of driver behaviour on ACT roads,” Detective A/Supt Craft said.

He said ACT Policing reminded drivers to stick to the speed limit with everyone taking the pledge to ‘drive so others survive’ on the National Road Safety Week’s website.

The pledge is: To drive as if my loved ones are on the road ahead; Remove all distractions and never use my mobile phone while driving; Not put other people at risk by speeding, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol/drugs; and Protect all vulnerable road users, especially those whose job places them in harm’s way, by slowing down and giving them the space they need to be safe.

Detective A/Supt Craft said ACT Policing would like to remind drivers to stick to the speed limit and for everyone to take the pledge to ‘drive so others survive’ on the National Road Safety Week’s website.

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