25 September 2023

Police to keep eye out for distracted rivers

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ACT Policing is targeting driver distraction throughout the month of September.

Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations, Acting Station Sergeant David Wills said driver distraction was any action that took a driver’s attention away from the road and onto other elements in their environment.

“This includes using a mobile phone, driving with headphones, tuning your radio, managing children or pets on board, or applying make-up,” Acting Station Sergeant Wills said.

He said the consequences of those types of distractions could be devastating.

“Taking your eyes off the road, even for a split second, to check something like a text message can cause irreparable harm,” he said.

“Anything that takes a driver’s focus off the road in front of them is a serious hazard, and we have seen families who have lost loved ones because of a distracted driver.”

He said there was simply no excuse for using a mobile phone while driving.

“No text message or Instagram post is worth causing a serious collision and potentially killing yourself or someone else,” Acting Station Sergeant Wills said.

“When you are in control of a vehicle, your primary focus should be on the road in front of you.”

He said drivers should also be aware of other road users around them, particularly vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.

The monthly campaign forms part of the joint ACT Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 which has adopted a Vision Zero approach to road safety.

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