25 September 2023

Police shocked at power line thefts

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ACT Policing has issued a warning to thieves that they risk their lives and the safety of the community by cutting live power lines.

The warning followed reports of overhead powerlines being stolen and damage to electrical infrastructure in Narrabundah.

ACT Policing said only individuals who were authorised and accredited by Evoenergy were permitted to approach powerlines and electrical assets.

“Coming into contact with live powerlines can result in serious injury or death, and put others at risk by leaving exposed and damaged infrastructure,” the police said.

“Any member of the public who sees damaged electrical assets should call Evoenergy on 13 10 93 immediately.”

The police said they were not sure when the Narrabundah theft and damage took place, but were having further discussions with Evoenergy.

They said anyone with any information about the incident that could assist police was urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website o which inormation can be provided anonymously.

They said thefts of power lines were rare but not unheard of.

Last year thieves in Newcastle, NSW caused two outages to 770 consumers while trying to steal the copper cables.

Copper is a commonly-traded scrap metal, and can command up to $7 per kilogram, according to metal dealer websites.

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