25 September 2023

Police scan roads for vulnerable victims

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The joint road safety campaign being conducted by ACT Policing and the Justice and Community Safety Directorate is to focus on vulnerable road users during August.

According to ACT Policing’s Officer in Charge of Traffic Operations, Detective Acting Station Sergeant Marcus Boorman, vulnerable road users were the people most likely to suffer serious injury or death in a collision, such as children, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists.

Acting DS Boorman said virtually everyone was a vulnerable road user at some time.

“You might like to think a vulnerable user means someone else, but think about it and you’ll realise you’re probably one, almost every day,” Acting DS Boorman said.

“Whenever you cross a road, whenever you ride a bike or motorcycle, you are a vulnerable road user. Whenever you go for a walk with a child, you’re with a vulnerable road user.”

He said there were more vulnerable road users in Canberra than ever before. At almost every stop, light rail passengers had to cross a road to get on or off.

“It worries me when people do things that make themselves even more vulnerable,” the Acting DS said.

“Don’t cross roads against a red signal. Don’t ride your bike or motorbike without a helmet. Think about other traffic on the road.

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and every driver, passenger, rider, and pedestrian has to think about what they’re doing every time they use a road,” he said.

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