26 September 2023

Police initiative has eyes on digital safety

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The Queensland Police Service (QPS) has established an Australian-first working group aimed at enhancing digital safety.

The recent Digital Platforms Conference brought police and technology industry representatives together to explore community safety online in an age where digital platforms continued to evolve, grow and impact day-to-day life.

Assistant Police Commissioner Katherine Innes said the QPS aimed to discuss challenges and learnings for the benefit of communities.

“It’s fantastic to see so many industry leaders in the online and digital space come together under one roof to have these important discussions that will allow us to continue to make online environments safe ones,” Assistant Commissioner Innes said.

“Our policing colleagues and counterparts from throughout Australia and New Zealand joined us as we embraced the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation for crimes facilitated through the misuse of digital platforms.”

She said connecting industry and police in one space allowed a robust and productive discussion with some actionable outcomes.

“Digital platforms offer so many benefits for individuals and society. While there is only a small percentage of online behaviour and interactions responsible for unsafe and criminal actions, this has the potential to cause harm in our communities,” Assistant Commissioner Innes said.

“It is our hope that our work throughout this conference will help us determine ways to adapt investigation methods and develop agreed and consistent processes for addressing harmful and criminal digital content.”

The conference involved more than 65 attendees taking part in group discussions and workshops, as they learnt from each other’s experiences.

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