27 September 2023

PM&C recognises women in STEM

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The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) celebrated National Science Week last week by recognising women in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

During the week the Department highlighted Interim National Data Commissioner, Deborah Anton (pictured) who it said “knows the importance of female participation in all walks of life and is particularly passionate about encouraging women into STEM education and careers”.

“Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are crucial building blocks for Australia’s future prosperity and wellbeing,” the Department said.

“STEM skills are not just for scientists and engineers — everyone needs some foundations in technology, both to participate in an increasingly digital world and to participate in discussions that will shape our future as a country.”

It said women’s involvement mattered because diversity led to better outcomes for society generally, and also for women.

It noted that currently, women represented about 16 per cent of those involved in technology.

“One of the main reasons girls avoid embarking on a career in STEM is the perception that these industries are male dominated,” the Department said.

Ms Anton said she wanted to be a scientist because it seemed to her the best pathway to make the world a better place.

“I think many young girls have the same drive,” she said.

“Women absolutely have a role to play in creating and imagining a different future and better future for all. We all need to be part of that journey.”

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