25 September 2023

PM&C marks passing of Bob Hawke

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The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) has installed a condolence book at Parliament House in Canberra for members of the community to sign following the death of former Prime Minister Bob Hawke.

Mr Hawke passed away last Thursday (16 May) at age 89.

The book is in the parliament’s Marble Foyer and commemorates Mr Hawke’s Prime Ministership from 11 March 1983 to 20 December 1991, making him the third longest serving PM in the nation’s history.

Former Secretary of Treasury who was appointed by the Hawke Government, Bernie Fraser said Mr Hawke had a respect for the Public Service.

“I think he’ll be sadly missed by many Public Servants and myself included,” Mr Fraser was reported as saying in the Fairfax media.

“He actually believed in public service and used the Public Service. I think there is a contrast to today.”

Mr Fraser said Australia was a richer nation today because of the policies espoused by Mr Hawke and former Prime Minister Paul Keating.

“We weren’t the first to deregulate banking systems, it was happening on other countries,” Mr Fraser said.

“But there always needs to be a few leaders who can sense the moment and get on that wave of history and do things … that make the country better for a long time.

“Hawke and Keating did that.”

PM&C said there would be a state memorial service for Mr Hawke with details to be announced in due course.

Members of the public who cannot travel to Canberra to sign the condolence book can leave a message online at the Department at this PS News link.

Enquiries about the memorial service can be directed to Protocol at PM&C at [email protected] or (02) 6271 6033.

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