Planning for Canberra’s third public cemetery, including a second crematorium, has begun in South Canberra.
Minister for City Services, Chris Steel said Stage One designs and costings for the Southern Memorial Park (SMP) would be prepared to start planning the infrastructure and landscaping for the site on Long Gully Road.
“Woden Cemetery (pictured) is now fully subscribed for new burials which is why we are building a new cemetery for the Southside to meet the needs for our growing city,” Mr Steel said.
“The new cemetery will include range of facilities including spaces for memorials and room for catering services and a florist,” he said.
“The site will also be designed to allow for a second crematorium for Canberra.”
He said the design would consider features including the entrance, road access, paths and parking, burial and memorial areas, fencing, building footprints for a main office, memorial halls and a works depot, as well as landscaping such as trees and shrub plantings.
“The proposed Southern Memorial Park would provide interment services for the next 100 years and is essential for the growing Canberra community, providing an alternative to the Gungahlin Cemetery for the Southside,” the Minister said.
He said the design work would start this financial year, with the remainder of the work to be completed in 2019-20.
“The designs will draw on the master plan for the site which was completed in 2012 and supported by extensive public consultation, financial modelling and environmental and heritage studies,” Mr Steel said.