26 September 2023

PHILIPPINES: Senator calls for more flexible work

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Amid continuing problems with public transport in the Philippines, Senator Grace Poe has urged the Government to implement flexible work arrangements for Public Servants.

Senator Poe (pictured), who is Chair of the Public Services Committee, made the call after the Civil Service Commission adopted a resolution allowing flexible work arrangements in Government Agencies as the country transitions to the ‘new normal’.

“As front-liners in the delivery of basic services, our Government workers need support to deal with the soaring prices of essential goods and the current lack of public transport,” Senator Poe said.

“We hope that Agency Heads, in consultation with stakeholders, can sit down and formulate vetted guidelines in order to give our State employees greater flexibility in doing their jobs with the same, if not greater productivity and efficiency.”

She said public transport “barely meet the needs of the commuting population”, citing mass transportation projects that were still in the works as well as the high price of fuel.

Meanwhile, the Civil Service Commission has called on Public Servants to be “future-ready” and prepare for the challenges that could affect their delivery in the new normal.

In a statement to mark the country’s 124th Independence Day, the Commission urged all Government employees to embrace change and adjust to new realities to improve the quality and effectiveness of Government programs and services.

It encouraged Heads of Agencies to take the lead in “introducing upskilling and retooling programs, adopting technology-based productivity tools, and establishing an occupational safety and health program”.

“The Commission has put up measures to achieve continuity of delivery of public services amid any disruptions, such as a pandemic, natural disaster, or civil disturbance, while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of State workers,” the Commission said.

Manila, 16 June 2022

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