Starting with the worldwide virus epi-pandemic monopolising the nation’s news stories at the moment where it would seem near impossible to come up with something someone somewhere hasn’t already said, seen or suggested.
That is until the creative geniuses at the Western Australian Public Service come to the party where they have not only come up with a brilliant aide memoire for the virus-endangered community they serve but who seem to have trumped the rest of the country with their wit and ingenuity in doing so.
For the latest news, advice and information about the COVID-19 crisis, the average Western Australian need do nothing more than dial a central hotline that has all the answers, all the contacts and, above all, the most creative dial-up number of them all.
Just call 13Covid!
Whoever said the public sector wasn’t clever? This is just plain brilliant! Top marks to the clever creator.
PS: 13Covid is plain old 13 268 43 when he or she’s home!
Single scenario?
To the inspired work of the federal Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISEAR?) now where it hosted a ‘virtual cafe’ meeting last week to explore what might be left of Australia once Corona and his Covid cohort finish with us some time in the future.
According to the team who organised the event the novelty cafe idea was chosen because “we knew people were accustomed to – sitting in a room, listening to someone present – and moved it to a virtual environment”.
It also said the café concept let it “explore scenarios likely to emerge out of the current pandemic disaster.”
A worthwhile project no doubt, but as PS-sssst! is always looking at the bigger picture, our eyes bulged at ‘scenarios’ as the possible plural of scenario, when our dog-eared copy of Dr Oxford’s distinguished didactic dictionary dodges it entirely by electing not to decree one.
Lesser lexicons suggest ‘scenarii’ as the plural in recognition of scenario’s Italian extraction but it seems the jury is out.
Wonderful book prizes to be won for the best, or most entertaining, clarification of scenario pluralled, or for polemical plurals in general. Send propositions to [email protected].
Water works?
And while on issues interesting, a story from the Queensland Rural Industry Development Authority crossed the desk during the week applauding the popularity of a $100 million loan program aimed at helping the State’s farmers and other primary businesses cope with the current Covid crisis.
“Applications reached the $100 million cap last month and we acted quickly to make an additional $30 million in loans available,” the State’s Minister for agricultural development said.
The Minister didn’t say the program was literally flowing with loan money however, but he did point out it was called the ‘Primary Industry Productivity Enhancement Scheme’, an acronym the ever diligent PS-sssst! identified as PIPES!
There has to be a story in it somewhere!
Giveaway of a kind
To Rama’s weekly kindness now in which righteous readers receive the chance to win free additions to their book or DVD collections, where this week it’s a book.
Rama’s freebie for the taking this week is Alice Zsember’s parents’ guide for raising under 5s, Real Kids, Real Play, two copies of which will go to two readers who could tell Rama how many different activities are included in the book.
The answer is 150+, and the first two correct entrants to greet Rama by emerging from the PS News Barrel of Booty ahead of the rest were Craig L from the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety and Jocelyn C from IP Australia.
Congratulations to Craig and Jocelyn, and thanks to everyone for taking part. The books will be on their way to their new homes shortly.
In the meantime for another chance to join Rama’s Army of winners, simply go to this PS News link for her first DVD prize and this link for her second.
Good luck to all!
The bare truth!
And finally, an age-old proverb it would be wonderful to think could be directed at the Corona, Covid and Viruses of this world who think they are unbeatable, unbreakable and unrelenting in their domination of our species:
“All those who get too big for their pants can expect to be embarrassingly exposed in the end!’
Hear hear!
Till next week……
Something to share?
Send to [email protected]
(And, yes, it can be anonymous!)