26 September 2023

Overseas police to be recruited for QPS

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A new recruitment campaign by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has been launched to attract up to 500 officers from overseas each year for five years.

Under a new labour agreement between the State and Federal Governments, the offer will apply to current, experienced and serving foreign police only, with all accepted international recruits having comparable international policing experience before applying to join the QPS.

The Service said the successful recruits must undergo training once enrolled in order to ensure they meet the standards of the QPS before beginning their first year as a sworn officer.

Minister for Police, Mark Ryan said the agreement, the broadest of its kind among Australia’s policing jurisdictions, allowed the QPS to recruit international police officers without them required to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

“At the completion of their training, the newest recruits will be stationed across Queensland to begin their First Year Constable program, with the opportunity to expedite this program and enter the service up to the rank of Senior Constable,” Mr Ryan said.

“This is a win-win,” he said.

“It’s an unprecedented opportunity for the Queensland Police Service to significantly expand the diversity of its workforce, while providing a unique opportunity for people around the world to join a world-class police organisation.”

Police Commissioner, Katarina Carroll said the new labour agreement went beyond what has been offered by any other police organisation in Australia, allowing experienced officers from any country the chance to work for the Queensland Police Service.

“They will bring their own unique experiences, knowledge and skills to our organisation,” Commissioner Carroll said.

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