Western Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field has undertaken an official visit to Morocco as part of his duties as President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).
Mr Field made the welcoming address at the opening ceremony at the IOI’s International Conference, held in Morocco to mark the 20th Anniversary of the Institution du Médiateur du Royaume (Maroc).
Mr Field also addressed the conference on examining the Venice Principles and the United Nations Resolution on ‘The role of Ombudsman and mediator institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights, good governance and the rule of law’.
“This wonderful event is not just a commemoration of the institution of the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco,” Mr Field said.
“It is also a celebration of a country that places great significance upon, and provides clear support and leadership to, the importance of the role of the institutions of the Mediator and Ombudsman, both in Morocco, but also globally.”
While in the North African country, Mr Field was given a tour of the city of Fes during which he was allowed to examine one of the most ancient copies of the Koran anywhere in the world (pictured).
“One of the most important parts of any official visit to a country is to undertake cultural, religious and social exchange,” Mr Field said in thanking his hosts.